
Manufacturers face a very specific set of financial & leadership challenges as they grow. Companies that ignore them eventually stall.

You MUST answer these core questions to continue to grow...

“Where is the bottleneck?”: How do you accurately understand the cost of your organization’s bottleneck so that you know how much you can spend to fix it?
“How much money can we make?”: How do we project our capacity to keep from overloading our employees and frustrating customers?
When should you expand your plant? When should you not?
How do we plan for quality & safety while also growing quickly?
How do you reliably & easily control your prices to maintain strong margins as input costs change?
How do you create compensation programs that actually align incentives and increase worker productivity?

If you’re going to build a profitable manufacturer, these questions make your path forward clear.

However, getting the answers to these questions isn’t easy if you’ve never done it before.

Luckily, we have.

Over the last 10 years, we’ve cataloged over 40 best practices from the 20+ manufacturers we’ve helped grow. We use many of these best practices every day in the manufacturers we’ve personally invested in.

Our Experience

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These best practices of our Manufacturing Profitability System include:

How to dramatically improve profitability by understanding operational bottlenecks…
How to fix complex problems around sales, marketing, and operations using, for example, impromptu workshops
How to structure your Quickbooks software to track customer, product and other service margins accurately…
How to create incentive comp programs that bring out the best in your employees and vendors…
How to improve margins and close more sales by defining narrow customer segments…
And more.

For example… 

After leading one construction materials manufacturer through a simple 2-hour Bottleneck Workshop, the client increased production capacity 44% and is on track to generate over $1 million in addition cash flow this year.

After implementing our cost-reporting program, one aerospace parts manufacturer discovered they were severely underpricing certain parts due to how they were being tracked. They immediately increased prices with little push-back from customers or salespeople.

What SPECIFICALLY can you rely on us to do?

We can help you set up & maintain profit-focused financial reporting systems designed for manufacturing companies such as machine shops, foundries, fabricators, assemblers, and value-added construction materials manufacturers, medical device companies, and advanced electronics assemblers.

We also provide firms like yours:


Management Reporting

Financial Analysis

Pricing Improvement Plans

CFO Coaching

COO Coaching

Growth Planning

And more.

In addition, we have an extensive network of high quality, vetted vendors who serve the needs of manufacturers that can help you with sales, marketing, operations, and much more.

We understand the importance of approaching each work integrally and believe in the power of simple.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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